Star Fixer 0.2 Alpha - an AI star correction program

I have come across an Artificial Intellengence star correction program:

Which aims to improve the stellar images within a submitted astro photo.

A very common problem with star images is when the mount tracking is not perfect and the stars have become elongated to look like small sausages so I simulated an image of Messier 27 which showed significant star trailing and submitted it to Starfixer.

It asks you to drop or select the image to work on.

One then submits the image.

It shows the result of a small area and asks one to ‘Get your HIGH RESOLUTION image’.

Starfixer tells you to wait for the results to become available.

When completed, three AI versions can be downloaded.

All had perfectly ’rounded’ the stars but there were differences in the brightness of the nebula.

By differencing the original and corrected image, one can see the changes the program has made.

It seems that the program might well be worth a try.

© Ian Morison